Species Parrots

Top 10 Best Talking Parrots to Have as A Pet

By INDIA GIANNIS on Feb 25, 2024 Reviewed by FINNLEY RAMIREZ

Parrots are admired for their remarkable. The top 10 best talkers, including African and Yellow-Naped Amazons

Parrots are admired for their remarkable. The top 10 best talkers, including African and Yellow-Naped Amazons

Parrots are perhaps the best and most intelligent animals to have as house pets!

They are valued for their cuddly nature, goofy antics, and although not the main reason, their talking abilities!

Perhaps the only other talking bird, or animal for that matter, is Myna bird.

Now, that said, if you want a parrot as a pet, and prefer a species with good talking (mimic) abilities, you are better placed with large species, like Amazon parrots, Eclectus, and the arguably the most popular talkers, African Grey parrots.

However, most large talking parrot species are very challenging to keep, and I discourage anyone new to parrot ownership from keeping them.

Perhaps, budgies, conures, like the Blue Crowned conure, Quaker (Monk Parakeet), and IRNs (Indian Ringnecks) are a safer bet.

You also need to keep in mind it’s not a guarantee your parrot will talk even if it’s a species that is famed for talking. Each bird comes with individual perks and talking is just one of many, and should never be the Key reason you want a parrot.

These birds are the most rehomed of any pet (in the world) because people buy them impulsively for, among other things, their talking abilities and overlook everything else, only to find out they are not easy pets to own.

So, please bear that in mind!

Which Parrots Talk Better Than Any Other

Yellow Napped and Double Yellow-headed Amazon parrots, African Grey Parrots, and Eclectus are the best-talking parrots I’ve come across. These species can master an average of 100 to 500 words and mimic speech and sounds, with better clarity and volume than other species.

In my opinion, African greys are better at mimicking sounds, including speech, but Amazon parrots are excellent at mastering tones and can vary their voice depending on who or what they are mimicking. Some Yellow Naped Amazon can sing and even mimic opera singers.

Budgies, albeit smaller, are also intensely intelligent and can perhaps master more words than all the species above. However, their speech is not as clear, as that of larger species, like AGs and Amazons.

Apart from these parrots, there are other prolific talking parrots you can keep as pets (and perhaps more popular and available), such as the Galah Cockatoo.

Below is a complete (in my opinion) of the best-talking parrots to own as pets!

  • Yellow Napped Amazon
  • African Grey Parrot
  • Double Yellow Headed Amazon
  • Eclectus
  • Budgie
  • Galah Cockatoo
  • Blue Fronted Amazon
  • Hahns
  • Severe Macaw
  • Blue and Gold Macaw
  • Yellow Crested Cockatoo
  • Alexandrine Parrot
  • Indian Ringnecks
  • Blue Crowned Conure
  • Quaker Parrot
  • Senegal Parrot

10 Best Talking Parrot Species

As mentioned, many parrots can mimic human speech almost like humans. However, different species have varying talking abilities, with some able to master a larger vocabulary and speak with better clarity than others.

Granted, here are 10 species you will want to consider if looking to own a talking parrot.

Keep in mind small and medium-sized species are a tad easier to keep and are best for beginners or families

1— Yellow Nape Amazon Parrot

Yellow Nape Amazon parrots are one of the best (if not the best) talking parrot in the world. They have the capacity to learn 100 to 500 words and talk with exceptional clarity and volume.

These parrots also have epic tonal variations, amazing enough to mimic singers on TV or recordings. Perhaps this is the only thing that sets them apart from African Grey parrots, which are better at repeating sounds and an extensive vocabulary, than adapting to specific tones.

Granted, if you come across a video of a parrot singing “The Birthday Song” or one of your favorite hymns, 6 out of 10 times that parrot will be a Yellow-Napped Amazon or perhaps, the Double Yellow Headed Amazon.

Yellow-napped Amazon babies can start learning words anywhere from 3 months, but most will pick up the majority of their vocabulary after 1 to 2 years.

2— African Grey Parrot

The famous Congo African grey is another great talking parrot and a favorite to many, some enthusiasts will even think it’s crazy to think Yellow Nape Amazons are better talkers.

Its just an opinion🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️, calm down Mary!

These birds are genius level birds and prolific mimickers. They can learn more than 500 words (and/or phrases), although the average for most is 100 to 500 words, and can start learning words at 3 months old, though most develop a large vocabulary anywhere from 1 to 2 years onwards.

They have clear speech and good tone but often mimic sounds without too much attention to the cue, but they can very easily learn to speak in context with proper training.

Your average African parrot is more likely to mimic your laugh, your dog’s bark or cat’s meow, the fire alarm or words you use often, with a very decent level of prowess and pizzas not common to most birds.

However, you might not find many singing your favorite hymn, like you would with Yellow Napes or Double Yellow Headed Amazons, though that is not to say they can’t sing. They certainly can!

3— Double Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot

The Yellow Double Headed is another great, but rarer talking parrot of the Amazon family. They can learn almost as many words as Yellow Napes and are perfect with their tone.

They are brilliant singer and mimickers and have excellent speech clarity.

However, these great Amazons are endangered in their natural habitat, and it’s illegal to capture, own, or resale wild caught Double Yellow Headed Amazons.

You can legally own captive bred birds, but documentation is required.

4— Eclectus

Eclectus are prolific talkers, almost as good as your average AG or Yellow Nape. They have excellent speech clarity and will mimic any sounds, from your laugh to your dog’s bark and microwave bings.

Perhaps the only thing I’ve noted is Eclectus learns a lesser number of words, with most averaging 250 words, but individual variations exist, and some Eclectus parrots may surpass these averages.

Interestingly, Eclectus are also unique in that male and female birds are sexually dimorphic. They look different.

Female eclectus have a predominantly red and purple hue, with variations in intensity depending on the specific subspecies, while males are mostly green.

5— Galah Cockatoo

Galah cockatoos (Rose-breasted cockatoos) are known for their ability to mimic and talk and are perhaps the most prolific of the cockatoo species.

They may not learn an extensive vocabulary, like African Grey or Yellow Nape Amazon, but they are still better than most parrots, and the few words they miss, they make up in goofiness and antics.

Your average Galah can master anywhere from 20 to 70 words, phrases, and even simple tunes.

However, these birds require plenty of socialization and consistent training to learn how to talk, so make sure you have plenty of time to work with your Galah if you decide to get one.

They are brilliant birds and sufficiently available in the market!

Small Talking Parrots Best for Beginners

Now, considering most large talking parrots are not well suited for first-time bird owners because of their hefty care and maintenance demands, you can choose to have something, like a budgie or Blue Crowned conures, which are a tad easier to keep!

However, please note there is no such thing as easy parrots, all species are demanding and require plenty of socialization and enhancement to thrive.

Below are five good talking parrots ideal for beginners and families with children!.

6— Budgies

Budgies are small and perhaps the most popular parrot species kept as pets. They are exceptionally intelligent and are able to learn an extensive vocabulary given their tiny size.

A budgie can learn almost as many (or even more) words than your average African Grey. A budgerigar held the longest-running record for the number of words learned by a parrot until recently.

Budgies are also a lot less demanding and easier to care for than larger parrots hence one of the best talking parrots for beginners.

However, for this reason, plus their average lower price and availability, budgies are prone to impulse buying by people with very limited to no experience and barely any knowledge of keeping birds.

So, ensure you do your due diligence before purchasing a budgie in case it’s the talking bird to choose, and if you purchase the bird for your child, please note you will have to take an active role in caring for it, because they are tiny but very demanding, compared to other pets at least.

7— Quaker Parrot (Monk Parakeet)