Supplies Toys

Best Types of Toys To Keep Your Budgie Entertained

By MARTHA LANDRY on Mar 04, 2024 Reviewed by LUCILLE MACADAM

Discover the best budgie toys for endless avian joy! Keep your feathered friend entertained with our top picks

Discover the best budgie toys for endless avian joy! Keep your feathered friend entertained with our top picks

Toys are essential in a budgie’s environment to provide mental and physical excercise, prevent stress and boredom, and promote overall well-being.

As such…

The best toys for budgies are those that provide the most mental and physical activity while catering to their natural instincts, like foraging toys, swings, rings and links, shreddable toys, interactive puzzles, and chewing toys made from bird-safe materials like untreated wood or natural fibers, mirrors, and reflective toys.

Always ensure that the toys you provide are made from bird-safe materials, free from toxic substances, and do not have small parts that could be ingested.

Regularly inspect the toys for signs of wear and tear and replace damaged toys promptly to maintain a safe and stimulating environment for your budgie.

Why Do Budgies Need Toys

Budgies are intelligent and social birds that need mental exercise and opportunities for play. Toys and play also help eliminate boredom and prevent your birds from self-harming tendencies.

Here are more reasons why budgies need toys:

  1. Mental Stimulation

Budgies are intelligent birds, and toys are necessary for their mental challenges. Interactive toys will encourage problem-solving, and foraging toys will help your bird mimic natural behaviors, like pasturing for food and keep your budgie mentally active.

  1. Preventing Boredom

Budgies are social creatures and can become bored and stressed in a barren environment. To prevent this and help reduce negative behaviors, such as excessive vocalization or feather plucking, keep your budgie busy with toys and other enrichments.

  1. Stress Relief

As noted above, toys wiil provide stress relief for budgies, especially during periods of change or unfamiliar situations. Familiar toys act as comforting objects that help reduce the strain and anxiety.

  1. Preventing Undesirable Behaviors

Budgies and parrots often engage in undesirable behaviors, such as excessive vocalization, feather plucking, or destructive tendencies, especially in new environments. Providing toys redirects this energy into positive and natural activities.

  1. Preventing Loneliness

Budgies are flock animals and thrive around other budgies or human caregivers. Toys will provide comfort and companionship when the bird is alone, reducing feelings of isolation.

  1. Cognitive Development

Interactive and foraging toys offer mental challenges that enhance a budgie’s cognitive skills. They encourage natural behaviors and fosters their cognitive development. Gradually, your budgie is able to learn and master skills more easily.

  1. Physical Exercise

Toys like swings, ladders, and climbing structures provide opportunities for physical activities and promote a healthy lifestyle for budgies. This keep you bird from gaining too much weight or developing issues associated with extended inactivity.

  1. Environmental Enrichment

Toys add variety to the budgie’s living space, creating a more stimulating and enriching environment.

  1. Beak Maintenance

Budgies have a natural instinct to chew and explore with their beaks. Chewing toys made from safe materials help keep their beaks healthy and prevent overgrowth.

  1. Entertainment

Budgies are little balls of energy and keeping them entertained takes a lot of time and energy. Interactive toys, like puzzles, will help you keep them happy when you need some time out to work or rest.

What Toys Are Good for Budgies

The best toys for budgies are ones that provide mental and physical stimulation while catering to their natural instincts. Here are some essential toy types and options that can keep your budgies entertained and happy:

1. Interactive Foraging Toys

Budgies forage for food in the wild, so providing toys that require them to work for treats or pellets, such as foraging balls or puzzle feeders, is necessary to keep them busy at home.

These toys engage their minds and mimic their natural behavior in the wild.

Some good foraging toys for budgies include:

Foraging Toys
BallsThese are small plastic or acrylic balls with openings that can be filled with small treats or pellets. As the budgie rolls and plays with the ball, treats fall out, encouraging foraging behavior.[
WheelsThese are wheel-shaped toys with hidden treat compartments. Budgies can turn the wheel to reveal the treats inside[
RingsThese are colorful rings with small openings that can be filled with treats. Budgies can manipulate them to access the goodies, promoting problem-solving and exploration
PuzzlesThese toys have compartments or drawers that hide treats. The budgie must figure out how to open the chambers to access the rewards
BoxesSmall cardboard boxes with treat-filled compartments inside can be a fun and inexpensive foraging toy for budgies
CupsPlastic cups or containers with treat-filled compartments can be attached to the cage. Budgies have to work to remove the treats from the cups
BambooThese toys are made from natural materials and often include woven pockets or hideaways for treats. Budgies can chew and explore the toy to find the hidden rewards

2. Swings and Perches

Swings and perches are other perfect toys for budgies. They offer numerous benefits, including physical stimulation and entertainment, but also play a huge role in a bird’s feet health and sense of safety and security (unlike the other toys).

Providing perches of varying diameters and textures helps prevent foot issues and maintains proper foot health for budgies.

Different swings and perches also allow your budgies to choose their preferred resting, playing, or sleeping spots and will add variety to the budgie’s environment, preventing cage monotony and boredom.

Here are tables with the best perch and swing varieties for your budgies.

Wooden SwingA classic wooden swing with a simple design is a popular choice for budgies. It allows them to sway back and forth, providing a sense of security and comfort. Plus natural wood swings are safe for birds even if they chew on them
Rope SwingsBudgies enjoy rope swings as they can climb and swing on the soft, flexible material. Rope swings also add a fun element to their cage and encourage more physical activity.
Platform SwingsThese swings have a flat surface, providing a stable perch for budgies to rest or play. Some platform swings come with built-in toys or bells, adding extra entertainment.
Natural wood perchesNatural wood perches are considered one of the best types for budgies. They come in varying diameters, which help exercise and strengthen a budgie’s feet and prevent foot muscle atrophy. Wood perches are also safer for budgies when made from pesticide-free and non-toxic wood sources
Rope PerchesSoft and flexible rope perches provide budgies with an alternative texture-from wood or cement-to explore and climb. They are also perfect for promoting your budgie’s foot exercise and flexibility.
Concrete (Cement) PerchesCement or sandpaper perches are the best for keeping your budgie’s nails trimmed. However, these should be used in addition to, not as a replacement for, regular wooden and rope perches, as prolonged use of cement perches can lead to foot issues.

3. Hammocks

Budgie hammocks are cozy and comfortable additions to a budgie’s cage, providing a secure spot to rest, relax, and sleep. When choosing a hammock for your budgie, consider the size, design, material, attachments, and safety.

Your hammock should be spacious enough for your budgie to sit or lie comfortably. Soft fabric, like cotton, is best for comfort and warmth, but ensure the material is bird-safe and durable.

Machine washable and easy-to-clean material is also advisable to ensure hygiene and cleanliness because budgies can be messy.

The hammock should have secure attachment options enough to provide stability and safety for your budgie. Sturdy clips or hooks also make it easy to attach to the cage.

Remember to also ensure the hammock does not have loose threads, frayed edges, or small parts that could pose a choking hazard to your budgie.

Place the hammock in a quiet and cozy corner of the cage and add treats or toys to make it more appealing to budgies.

Budgie hammocks are available in many designs, such as simple flat hammocks, tent-like structures, or hanging pouches, so choose an option that suits your budgie’s preferences and cage setup.

Here are some of the good budgie hammock designs and choices:

4. Chewing Toys

Chewing is a natural behavior for budgies to explore their surroundings, forage for food, and build nests. As such, chew toys are necessary to provide an outlet for this natural behavior in a captive environment.

These toys also wear down the beak, preventing overgrowth, which can lead to beak problems and difficulties in eating.

If budgies don’t have appropriate chewing toys, they may resort to chewing on unsafe items in their environment, such as cage bars, perches, or even their feathers.

It’s crucial to provide a variety of safe and bird-friendly chewing toys for budgies to satisfy their natural instincts and behavioral needs.

Some great chewing toy options for budgies include wooden blocks from pet stores, mineral blocks made specifically for birds, wicker toys designed for small birds, and cardboard items like paper towel rolls and egg cartons. (Here is an good option for assorted chewing toys combo available on Amazon)

Regularly inspect the toys for wear and tear, and replace them as needed to maintain a safe and enriching environment for your budgies.

When selecting chewing toys for budgies, consider the following options:

  • Wooden Chewing Toys:

These toys are safe for budgies as long as they are specifically made for birds, free from harmful substances, and untreated.

Out top choice wooden chewing blocks on Amazon

  • Mineral Blocks:

Mineral blocks made from calcium or mineral-rich materials are beneficial chewing toys for budgies. They not only provide a chewing outlet but also offer essential minerals for their health.

Out top choice mineral chewing blocks on Amazon

  • Veggie-Tanned Leather Toys:

The toys are made from veggie-tanned leather, safe for budgies to chew on. The texture and taste are appealing, providing chewing and tactile stimulation.

Ensure the leather toys are made from bird-safe materials free from harmful chemicals or dyes. Avoid using treated leather, as these can be harmful if ingested or chewed.

  • Vine Balls and Wicker Toys

Vibe balls and wicker bird toys are safe and popular options for birds, including budgies. These toys are made from natural wicker materials like palm leaves or rattan.

When choosing wicker bird toys for your budgie, ensure they are free from any harmful dyes, glues, or sharp edges.

The natural texture of wicker toys also provides tactile stimulation, appealing to a budgie’s natural curiosity and exploration.

Out top choice wicker toys on Amazon

4. Mirrors

By using mirrors thoughtfully and sparingly, you can enhance your budgie’s environment and add to their overall happiness and mental stimulation.

Mirrors can be a delightful addition to a budgie’s cage when used appropriately and for limited periods. Your budgies will enjoy interacting with mirrors positively, finding their reflections intriguing and entertaining.

Placing the mirror at eye level in the cage allows your bird to explore and play their reflection without causing undue stress or behavioral issues.

To ensure a positive experience, use mirrors for short durations each day, allowing budgies to interact without becoming overly attached.

Remember that while mirrors can be enjoyable for budgies, they are not a substitute for real social interaction. So keep provide your budgie with companionship, toys, and opportunities for play outside the cage to foster their well-being.

Regularly observe your budgie’s behavior when the mirror is introduced.

If you notice any signs of stress, aggression, or excessive preoccupation with the mirror, limit their exposure to it and prioritize other enriching activities.

See-maybe even purchase,this verstatile mirror, perch budgie toy combo on Amazon, you’ll love it, your budgie too😁!

5. Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys are a fantastic way to provide mental stimulation and engage your budgie’s problem-solving abilities. These toys offer challenges which encourage your budgie to think, explore, and work for rewards.

When introducing puzzle toys, start with simple designs and gradually progress to more challenging ones as your budgie becomes familiar with the concept.

Always use bird-safe materials and ensure that the toys do not have any sharp edges or small parts that could pose a risk to your budgie.

When choosing puzzle toys for budgies, consider the following options:

  • Mini ladder and rope puzzles:

Mini ladder and rope are excellent puzzle toys for budgies as they offer mental and physical challenges. The toys engage your budgie’s natural curiosity and problem-solving abilities, providing hours of entertainment and mental stimulation.

Get a mini ladder and rope puzzle on Amazon

  • Puzzle Boxes

Puzzle boxes have compartments or drawers where you can hide treats, encouraging your budgie to figure out how to access the rewards.

Select a puzzle box that is appropriate for the size of your budgie and made from bird-safe materials,and ensure there are no small parts or sharp edges that could be harmful.

Place small, bird-safe treats inside the compartments of the puzzle box, and use your budgie’s favorite treats to entice them to explore and interact with the puzzle.

Show your budgies how the puzzle box opens or how to slide the compartments to reveal the treats. You can use verbal cues and gentle gestures to guide them.

To keep your budgies interested, rotate the treats or change the type of rewards hidden inside the puzzle box regularly.

This variation adds excitement and keeps them engaged.

  • Turn and learn log:

A “Turn and Learn Log” is an interactive toy to engage and stimulate budgies’ problem-solving abilities. It consists of a cylindrical log with multiple compartments or sections that can be rotated to reveal hidden treats or rewards.

By offering this interactive toy, you create an enriching environment that keeps your budgies mentally active and prevents boredom.

Always prioritize your budgies’ safety by using bird-safe materials and closely observing their interaction with the toy.

Here is a good turn and learn log from Caitec.

  • Stacking Rings:

Stacking ring for budgies consist of colorful rings that your bird can be placed on a central rod or peg for learning and entertainment.

The stacking are set up inside the cage at an accessible height for budgies. Place them how they won’t obstruct the bird’s movement or perch areas.

Let your budgies to explore the stacking rings toy at their own pace.

Some budgies may immediately start playing, while others may take some time to show interest.

While stacking rings are generally safe, it’s essential to supervise your budgies during playtime to ensure they don’t accidentally ingest any non-edible parts or damage the toy.

6. Bells (Jingly Toys) and Chimes

Bells are another popular and enriching toy for birds, including budgies. These toys come in various shapes and sizes, with a bell attached to a chain or rope.

Bells provide mental stimulation for birds, as they are naturally curious and enjoy interacting with different sounds and textures. Your budgie will also appreciate ringing bells, which promote physical activity and keeps them active and healthy.

Smart birds, like budgies, may even interact with the bell as a social behavior, ringing it to communicate with their human or other birds.

While purchasing these toys, ensure the bell and attachments are made from bird-safe materials without toxic components.

Moreover, buy an appropriate-sized bell for your bird, ensuring it is not too heavy or large for them to manipulate safely.

Hang the bell securely inside the cage at a height where your bird can easily access and interact with it, and always supervise your bird during playtime to ensure they do not get entangled in the chain or rope.

Some popular and bird-safe bell toys that are well-suited for budgies:

  • Stainless steel jingle bells on chains: These simple bells attached to metal chains provide a pleasant jingling sound that budgies enjoy. Look for bells with bird-safe materials and secure chains.

  • Bell Balls: Bell balls are small plastic balls with bells inside. Budgies can roll, toss, and play with these toys, enjoying the sound and the movement.

  • Bells on swings or perches: Bells attached to swings or perches for additional fun and play for your budgie, encouraging movement and physical activity.

  • Colorful hanging bells: These are bells with bright colors and different textures meant to attract your budgies.

  • Bells with beads and wooden blocks: Bells toys with additional bird-safe beads or small wooden blocks attached to provide extra textures for your budgie to explore and manipulate. The wooden blocks are often safe for your bird to chew.

  • Bells with acrylic rings: Bells with colorful acrylic rings add visual interest to the toy, enticing your budgie to interact with the shiny, colorful components.

7. Shredding Toys

Budgies have a natural instinct to chew and tear materials, and shredding toys allow them to express this behavior safely and enjoyably. These toys also promote beak health by naturally wearing down their beaks as they shred.

Shredding toys also encourage foraging behavior.

Provide safe shredding toys made from bird-friendly materials like paper, cardboard, or plant-based fibers, to keep your budgie mentally engaged, physically active and prevent undesirable behaviors such as feather plucking.

When selecting the best shredding toys for budgies, it’s essential to prioritize safety, materials, and variety!

Here are some popular and bird-safe shredding toys that are well-suited for budgies:

  • Bird Kabobs: Excellent shredding toys for budgies and other pet birds made from natural yucca wood, which is a safe and bird-friendly material for chewing and shredding.

Get this Wesco mini park of 3 on Amazon

  • Vine balls and wicker toys: These types of toys are made from natural materials like vines or wicker, which are safe for budgies to chew and shred (see out best buy in the chewing toys section)

  • Birdie Bagels: These toys are made from compressed paper and come in the shape of a ring (cardboard rings). Budgies can enjoy shredding and chewing on these bird-safe toys.

  • Woven grass mats: These mats are made from natural materials, such as dried grass, and are safe for budgies to chew and tear apart. Purchase on Amazon

  • palm leaf shred toys: These toys are excellent and safe options for budgies to shred and interact with. They are made from natural palm leaves, which are bird-safe and non-toxic. Purchase on Amazon

  • Cardboard roll toys: You can repurpose cardboard rolls from paper towels or toilet paper as shredding toys for your budgie. These can be easily replaced and are safe for budgies to chew on.

8. Climbing Toys

Climbing toys facilitate budgies to climb, hop, and navigate different surfaces, keeping their muscles toned and promoting overall physical fitness.

These toys also fulfill your budgie’s instinctual need for exploration and mimic their natural behaviors in the wild.

The mental challenge of navigating through ropes or ladders keeps them mentally engaged and prevents boredom.

Textured surfaces of climbing toys will help maintain budgies’ foot health by wearing down their feet and nails, and the added variety and enrichment will make it a more interesting and stimulating space for budgies.

Socially, climbing toys can become a focal point for interactions among budgies, encouraging bonding and group play.

Here are some popular and bird-safe climbing toys for budgies:

  • Climbing ropes (Budgie boing): Boing ropes are excellent and enriching toys for budgies. These bird-safe ropes allow your budgie to climb, swing, and exercise their muscles.Including boing ropes in a budgie cage keeps them physically and mentally engaged, contributing to their overall well-being and happiness. purchase this budgie boing on Amazon. Please note that rope perches, climbing ropes, and bird boing are the same toy, and the terms can be used interchangeably.

  • Ladders: Ladders are other versatile and beneficial climbing toys for budgies that promote physical exercise and mental stimulation by helping them mimic their natural behaviors.Budgies can climb up and down or go around vertical and horizontal rungs while trying to navigate the ladder, which engages their problem-solving skills. The ladder’s rungs also offer perching spots, providing extra resting areas in the cage for your budgie. Here are a few options available on Amazon: Wooden Ladder, Natural Rope Ladder Toy, Ladder Swing

  • Climbing Nets: Made from bird-safe materials, like cotton or sisal ropes, bird climbing nets will provide physical exercise as your budgies climb, hop, and navigate through the ropes. The nets consist of rope arranged in a grid-like pattern and hung vertically. The birds use their feet and beaks to grip onto the ropes, allowing them to climb, swing, and move around the net.purchase it on Amazon

Safety Considerations When Choosing Your Budgie’s Toys

Making sure your budgie’s toys are safe is super important for keeping your little feathered friend happy and healthy!

When picking your budgie’s toys, go for ones made with bird-safe and non-toxic materials. Avoid toys with small parts that pose a choking hazard and digestive issues. Opt for appropriately items sized for your budgie, and ensure they can interact with them comfortably and safely.

Securing the toys to the cage is also vital to prevent accidents and check for sharp edges or rough surfaces that could inadvertently harm your budgie during playtime.

Regularly inspect the toys for signs of wear and tear, replace any damaged or worn-out items promptly to reduce the risk of injuries.

Ensure you supervise your budgie during playtime with new toys, especially when introducing them for the first time.

Observing their reactions and interactions helps ensure they use the toys safely without any mishaps and allow you to gauge their preferences, which is necessary when selecting the toys to buy next.

Here’s a list of safe toy materials for budgies:

  • Untreated wood
  • Bird-safe cardboard (zero Ink or Dyes, Adhesive or Glues, Sharp edges,and Staples)
  • Natural fiber ropes (Hemp, Sisal, Jute, Cotton, Coconut fiber, Palm Leaves, Vine, Seagrass)
  • Stainless Steal
  • Acrylic

How Often Should I Rotate My Budgies Toys

Introducing new toys and removing older ones creates a sense of novelty and excitement, preventing boredom and ensuring your budgie is happy.

It also encourages exploration and play, stimulating their natural instincts and preventing them from getting too attached to a single toy.

Offer him (them) a wide range of toys with different textures, colors, and functions to cater to their various play preferences and instincts.

Something to note is having the same toys will lead to a lack of mental stimulation, which might result in behavioral issues, such as feather plucking or excessive screeching.

So, to keep your budgie optimally stimulated and engaged, rotate their toys every 1 to 2 weeks. Keep an eye on your budgie’s preferences and behavior to identify which toys they enjoy the most and replace others accordingly.


Rotating the toys is essential to keep your budgie engaged and prevent boredom. Introduce new toys and remove familiar ones occasionally to maintain your budgie’s interest and curiosity.

Remember that variety is also key, so try to offer toys with different textures, colors, and functions. Mix several toys, including swings, bells, puzzles, and shreddable items, to cater to your budgie’s diverse interests and preferences.

Avoid toys with small parts that could be swallowed, as budgies are curious and may try to nibble on anything within reach.

Go for play items made from bird-safe materials, like stainless steel, natural woods, and other untreated, non-toxic materials, and regularly inspect the toys for any signs of wear and tear, and replace them when necessary to prevent accidents.

When arranging toys in your budgie’s cage, consider placing them strategically to create an engaging and stimulating environment.

Avoid overcrowding the cage with too many toys, as it can be overwhelming for your feathered friend. Leave enough space in the cage for your budgie to move freely and fly from one toy to another.

By following these (and other) best practices, you can create a stimulating and enriching environment for your budgie and keep them happy, healthy, and entertained.