Species Cockatoos

Are Black Palm Cockatoos Good Pets


Black Palm Cockatoos are very challenging birds, but is it possible to keep them as pet? Let's find out

Black Palm Cockatoos are very challenging birds, but is it possible to keep them as pet? Let's find out

Black palm cockatoos can indeed be wonderful companions, but they’re suited primarily to experienced parrot keepers who have ample space to accommodate their large size. These majestic birds also thrive on socialization and enrichment, so they require owners who can devote plenty of time to their care.

On a scale of one to ten, their difficulty level is a solid nine. They demand attention and can be noisy, with powerful beaks and claws that can cause injury if provoked. Maintaining their physical and psychological well-being is generally challenging for many individuals.

As such, we do not recommend black palm cockatoos for beginners, young owners, those living in apartments, or individuals with busy schedules or inconsistent lifestyles.

We also don’t recommend black palms to hobbyist with no experience keeping cockatoos or (at least) large parrots species, such as Macaws.

Black Palm Cockatoos as Pets

Before you purchase a palm cockatoo, there is a lot you need to know about these birds as pets. You need to research their temperament, price and cost, diet, and lifespan to find out if they are the right pet parrot for you.

You do not want to be stuck with a large bird, with the attitude and temperament of a toddler for all your life without being adequately prepared.

So, in the following section, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about keeping black palm cockatoos as pets.

Lifespan: How Long Do Palm Cockatoos Live as Pets

Cockatoos are some of the most long-lived parrot species…and large birds often live longer than small species, hence black Palm Cockatoos might be among pet parrots with lengthiest average lifespans.

That said…Animal Diversity Org observes that the lifespan of Black Palm Cockatoos is not well known, but given other cockatoos live for 50 to 60 years (56 years average), it is safe to assume palms have an equally long lifespan. Captive cockatoos may even live to more than 100 years old.

Price: How Much Do Black Palm Cockatoos Cost

The Black Palm is a beautiful species of cockatoo that can be hard to find and acquire because of their expensive price (around $15,000-17,000) but also note that with their expensive price, it is also quite expensive to care for them and provide what they need for their long lifespans. Definitely not a bird for someone on a budget of any kind!….Eriabella, Parrot Forum

Black palm cockatoos are rare and endangered in the wild. They are also large, demanding, and challenging to breed, so not many breeders have them in their stock, which makes them extremely expensive.

The cost of a black palm ranges from 4900 to 6000 dollars for a 0.8 to 18-month-old chick, while a mature tame bird can set you back up to 18000 dollars.

Compared to other cockatoos, like Galah, Moluccan, and Umbrella cockatoos that cost between 1000 and 3000 dollars, a Black Palm’s price is 2 to 2.5 X more. Perhaps its price is more comparable to that of a Hyacinth Macaw (the largest parrot species).

Why Are Black Palm Cockatoos So Expensive

Black palm cockatoos are expensive for varied reasons. To begin with, they are very challenging to breed. They lay one egg per clutch and take up to a year to wean. The chicks are readily hatched but have a high mortality rate, most dying just before they finish weaning.

Some parrot owners argue that Palm cockatoos are not more challenging to breed than other species, but there is limited information on breeding them. Regardless, their challenging breeding significantly push the cost up.

Palms are also challenging to keep as pets, and very few people are willing to try them.

They are also rare in the hobby because trading wild parrots, particularly endangered species, is unethical and illegal. Consequently, you will not find black palms in parrot sale sites or fairs. They are more likely to be traded as rare exotic pets for a hefty price than other parrot species.

Black palm cockatoos require a lot of investment in food and care for breeders willing to raise and hatch, and the cost is often transferred to the buyers.

Behavior and Personality: Are Black Palm Cockatoos Friendly

Palm cockatoos are larger in size than other cockatoos species, but their behavior and personality are not too different. They are decently friendly and social but they are not the most cuddly.

They are not birds you can play with, but Palms are trainable and better for owners with dust allergies because they are less dusty. They are intelligent and are particularly adept at learning tricks, like waving and stomping.

Black palms also need attention and enrichment, like any parrot, but fortunately, they are not excessively needy and are not neurotic screamers. However, they are as loud as any Cockatoo, so to keep the noise level manageable, ensure they get 5 to 6 hours of daily socialization and interaction.

Black Palm Cockatoos are not any more aggressive than other Toos but they have bigger and stronger beaks with a bite that can inflict significant injury. So be very cautious while interacting with the bird, and especially if you have young kids at home.

Size: How Big Do They Get

Palm black cockatoos, also called the goliath cockatoo, are the largest Too species and have the second largest beak of the parrot family. They are 19 to 27 Inches when standing and wingspan between 28 and 39 Inches when the wings spread fully.

Do Black Palm Cockatoos Talk

Palm cockatoos are generally intelligent and can mimic human speech and perform tricks on cue. They are the most prolific talkers and