Species Parakeets

Can Your Parakeet Survive Outside (+in The Wild)

By INDIA GIANNIS on Apr 09, 2024 Reviewed by AISHA COLE

Discover if your parakeet can survive outdoors and in the wild! Learn essential tips on assessing risks and ensuring your pet's well-being in nature

Discover if your parakeet can survive outdoors and in the wild! Learn essential tips on assessing risks and ensuring your pet's well-being in nature

Despite their relative ruggedness, budgies are not well equipped to deal with outside perils, more so outside their native wild. They are tropical birds and enjoy a few hours of warm temperature or a bask outside, but that is as far as they go.

Most areas in the USA and Europe are too cold (more so during the winter months) for a parakeet left outside and may result in respiratory issues.

Plus, hand-raised parakeets bred as pets are especially susceptible to very cold or warm climates outside hence more likely to struggle than wild-caught birds.

Away from the foul weather, leaving your parakeet outside unsupervised exposes them to predators, including other pets in and around your home (dog, cat, and what have you) and larger, wild birds.

Can A Parakeet Survive in The Wild

A parakeet released into the wild will most likely die, but I suppose it depends on where you live;Joeybare87, Redditor.

Nature is a very harsh setting for parakeets born and bred inside a controlled home setting, and releasing them into the world is an idea that is justifiably frowned at.

To start with, your bird is not well equipped to survive outside, more so in areas outside their tropical native wild. If you live in Australia or South East Asia, and your bird is lucky to find a flock of budgies to join in the jungle, he might survive, although that’s quite a long shot.

Considering your little birdie is not accustomed to fending for itself and everything coming easy and ready for him, finding food in the wild will also be a challenge.

Moreover, the search for a meal will come somewhere between looking for a suitable shelter and learning (plus staying away) from predators.

House birds are dependant on humans for food and shelter. They are used to having a bold with a meal and water 24/7, and 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, hence will most probably die from cold and night or starvation in the wild; Inevitable_athelete87, Redditor.

Can A Parakeet Stay Outside

Now, in terms of housing, most birds, parakeets included, can live in outdoor cages, aviary, or other suitable accommodation. You only need to make sure the coop is well insulated and away from drafts.

It might also help to have a comfortable tent or an enclosed spot inside the cage for your budgie to retreat at night away from predators and foul weather.

Even so, please note that having your parakeet outside is only ideal if you live in an area with warm weather all year round…

…, such as Australia, South East Asia, The Caribbean, Africa, Southern USA, and vast areas in South America towards the North of the continent.

Sadly, raising a budgie outside (in a cage, aviary, or coop) in most parts of Europe, the Northern USA, and Canada might not be an option for you, especially during the winter months.

Can A Parakeet Survive in The Cold

Same as keeping your parakeet outside, how much cold they can tolerate depends on the space you occupy on earth. Parakeets are native to Australia thus accustomed to tropical temperatures that never fluctuate much (around the year).

Birds will tolerate cold weather outside their native wild inside a heated or even well-insulated space or coop.

A parakeet migrated away from its native tropical or subtropical environment is left vulnerable to the elements of colder climate and may succumb on chilly days.

Essentially, you only want to make sure the temperature in the cage, coop, or aviary remains between 70 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit all night and on chilly days.

When the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s a big adjustment for these delicate petite-sized birds whose feathered exterior doesn’t heat like the fur coat of a dog; KH Pets

Having said that, not all birds are the same, with some budgies able to adapt quite well to temperatures as low as 40 degrees for short periods.

A parakeet that’s unable to efficiently regulate its body temperature (as it usually is because of the small body size) will show clear signs and need to be taken inside the house or any other warm space.

These sings include (but not limited to):

  • Lethargy and sluggish movement.
  • Remain puffed up
  • Crouching
  • Loss of appetite
  • Heavy breathing
  • Limited flight
  • Fluid coming from eyes and nose

Now, your birdie may struggle, but with a little more TLC, your parakeet will survive. Here are a few things you will want to do to keep him warm in chilly weather.


Birdhouses are paramount if you have a budgie living outside your house, whether wild or domesticated. Of course, for a pet bird, you may want to do a little more in terms of outdoor living, but a birdhouse is a bare minimum.

In the birdhouse, you’ll also want to add some form of cover, nest, or tent for your birdie to retreat at night or when it’s cold.


The temperature in your bird’s space should remain between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, akin to a parakeet’s tropical wild range. Any colder, and your bird will start to suffer.

The best way to maintain this range is to make sure your birdie’s nest is well insulated and add a heater in the cage when the readings are too, such as during winter.

I’ve seen several different types usable in a parakeet’s cage both in pet stores and even online, but my favorite is those that hang from the top or attach to the side of the coop.

#3&mdashThermal Perches

Thermal perches are another brilliant way to have a consistent and warm place for your parakeet to sit and rest their feet when it’s too cold.

They keep the environment of your bird stable, warm, and comfortable, both at night and on chilly days.

Beak craze notes the best quality thermal perches are designed with irregular shapes and sizes to help birds alleviate cramps and sore that result from pressure.

And Yes, they will still serve the customary purpose, which is to offer your bird a place to rest.

Well, that all for this article. See you on the next one.

All the best with your parakeet🦜.