Species Parrots

Do Parrot Females Lay Eggs Without A Male


Discover the intriguing world of female parrots and their ability (or lack there of) to lay eggs without a male companion

Discover the intriguing world of female parrots and their ability  (or lack there of) to lay eggs without a male companion

Parrots are birds, and like all other types, they lay eggs.

However, they don’t always need a male to lay, but when you don’t have one, you won’t have babies since an egg needs to be fertilized to hatch into a chick.

Another question I get pretty often is, “Do parrots get pregnant and give birth.”

Well, birds don’t get pregnant, neither do they give birth. However, it’s possible to tell when a female parrot is developing an egg.

Most breeders refer to the condition as a swollen uterus, but some just say the bird is pregnant, though it’s a very casual-layman reference.

A ‘pregnant bird,’ including parrots, will be slightly enlarged in the abdomen, albeit different females having varying levels of swelling while they build the yolk, egg white, and shell.

For more insight about breeding parrots, see more insight below.

Can A Parrot Lay an Egg Without a Male, Mate

It’s usually quite the surprise to parrot owners when their pet lays an egg, especially if she lives without a mate.

It’s odd, but it does happen.

Parrots can lay eggs without a mate present when happy with their environment, in the breeding season, and stimulated by their favorite person.

However, the egg won’t hatch into a chic because it’s not fertilized.

Just like with production chicken laying eggs for consumption, any single bird, including parrots, will become reproductively active and can lay an unfertilized egg.

Having said that, if you want or intend to breed your parrot, note that you must have a male parrot. An unfertilized egg won’t produce chicks.

It’s more like how women ovulate approximately every 28 days. Female birds have to release their eggs whether or not they’re fertilized.

At What Age Do Parrots Lay Eggs

Most parrots start laying eggs at about 2 years of age, though it may be sooner for smaller parrot species like parakeets and green conures, and later for larger parrots such as African greys and Amazons.

Even among birds of the same species, size seems to count a lot about when your bird can start breeding.

For instance, while it may take Cuban Amazons two years to produce fertile eggs, the larger Double Yellow Headed Amazon could take up to 5 years to breed.

The onset of maturity is also somewhat quicker in domesticated parrot species. As an example, house parakeets, green conures, and cockatiels can start breeding as early as 7 months of age.

Even so, I recommend you allow your birdie enough time (at least 18 months) to mature before letting them breed. This ensures they are all around ready to reproduce: emotionally, psychologically, and physically.

To ensure your bird starts laying eggs once they hit breeding age, condition them early enough. This includes offering them a rich, varied and, balanced diet with everything, including mineral supplements.

As well, make sure the environment is comfortable and ideal for them to breed. Housing her with a male companion is especially crucial when setting the stage since most parrots only mate as bonded companions.

In Which Month Do Parrots Lay Eggs (Time of Year)

In the wild, parrots typically breed between February and April during what is considered Northern Winter. However, the breeding period varies widely in house parrots depending on the environment they are accustomed to.

Moreover, while many birds breed and lay eggs in spring, most won’t bring forth chicks without a male, a suitable nesting site, the right environment, and food availability.

Some house birds may get into the breeding mood and lay eggs during a period you may not consider ideal, probably because of things you are doing unawares.

As an instance, a companion parrot may sometimes lay eggs if they are stimulated by their favorite person. This is common with hormonal, singly kept females bonded with their owners.

As such, while birdies enjoy cuddles, rubs, and scratches, excessive handling is discouraged to prevent inappropriate pair bonding with humans or inanimate objects.

You do not want your parrot’s body to perceive your cuddles and rubs as a present suitable mate and think its time to make babies.

What are The Signs of A Parrots Laying Eggs (“Pregnant”)

Parrots, and all birds, show some clear hints when laying eggs, though the intensity may vary between individuals.

Some birdies will exhibit more emotive signs, while others present physical egg-baring characteristics rather firmly.

The first thing my bird does is get active making nests. If I rearrange anything in the cage, it upsets her timing for nesting and breeding, making her quite feisty.

Even so, the feistiness and fidgety behavior does not surprise me since, from experience, I’ve learned most birds prefer to lay their eggs in the spot they choose and one that makes them most comfortable.

The other sign I notice in my bird is her eating and drinking pick up (she becomes such a piggy🙄, lol), at times consuming up to 50 percent above her usual rations and within a shorter period.

I would think the extra food and water helps her build the egg.

Of course, more food means big dumps, but surprisingly, my feathery friend tends to hold it much longer, with the poop a lot more watery and more smelly when she finally goes.

I would also think the extra food makes her weight go up, sometimes with the gain raising up to 10 percent more. However, to catch this change, I have to weigh her quite a lot.

The other thing I notice, which perhaps is evident in all birds, including parrots, is a bulge down below, where birds carry their eggs. You should feel it if you probe the area carefully.

If you take a look at her bum area, it might also give you an idea.

They get what bird owners call an egg bum😀.

The area below the tails will dilate and expand as a hen comes closer to laying an egg.

That’s all for this post.

Have fun with your cuddly, feathery friend🐦🦜🦉.