Do Parrots Get Along with Other Birds at Home

By EDDIE WAITHAKA on Jan 15, 2024 Reviewed by AISHA COLE

Understand how parrots coexist with other birds and get practical tips for fostering positive relationships in your avian household

Understand how parrots coexist with other birds and get practical tips for fostering positive relationships in your avian household

Keeping birds as pets is a rewarding hobby, one that more people are getting into, now more than ever.

Parrots seem to be the most popular pet birds, though pigeons, doves, canaries, finches, and house sparrows also make ideal candidates.

That said, housing more than one birdie species in your house can be a daunting task. Most, types including parrots, prefer to flock with their kind.

A mixed flock of parrots and other birds will only work in a big enclosure, such as an outdoor aviary. Moreover, make sure there is no size problem because large birds can kill tiny candidates.

You will also need to consider bill types, temperament, housing, and age.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into this topic to precisely understand how to keep parrots with other birds at home.

Please read through.

Can Parrots Live with Other Birds

I perhaps answered this question in the paragraph above, but it’s best to get into the details a little more, considering keeping parrots with other birds is at best a meticulous balancing act.

For a start, you need to consider the size of the birds you want to keep.

Larger parrots like Amazons, macaws, and greys are best kept with other big birds.

Their potential to cause harm, granted they are hookbills and get awfully jealous and somewhat territorial (like all parrots), justifies keeping them with birds that can protect themselves.

Smaller parrots like budgies, cockatiels, and even conures and Quakers are a little more tranquil and suitable for a wide range of companions.

They are less likely to cause harm.

That said, perhaps the best pairing when considering parrots and parrotlets, one that will give you near-zero headaches, is a psittacine pairing.

Essentially, this means mixing parrots (parrotlets) with their kind while paying keen attention to sizes. The hack will help you know what to expect regarding diseases, aggression, diet, and housing.

It will also help you avoid the damage that comes with keeping hook and flat bills together.

Parrot hooked bills can pack all the power and vicious intent of a bird of prey. Even a minor quarrel can result in canaries and finches with snapped legs and nasty cuts: Omlet

Nonetheless, If I were to keep parrots with non-psittacines, the bird species I would consider are finches, canaries, pigeons, doves, and maybe quails and chicken.

Do Parrots Get Along with Parakeets, Conure, Cockatiels

I know this is somewhat of an odd question, more so for an experienced bird keeper since parakeets, conures, and cockatiels are all parrots.

But in this sense, the word parrot refers to large Pscittacines such as African greys, Amazons, Eclectus, cockatoos, and macaws.

Small and medium-sized parrots species are considered parrotlets (and not the mid and south American parrot species).

Now, to answer your question…

Well, I would not recommend it, but I know people who have managed to hack some pretty unique pairings. Parrots and parrotlets could get along as long as each member has its cage, toys, feeding, and drinking station.

I’ve seen cockatoos get along with budgies, but you would need to develop a training program to teach your birds how to get along.

If you decide to try it in your home, be careful and always keep an eye on your birds in case a quarrel that could potentially harm your smaller bird ensues.

You’ll also want to watch your bird’s emotions, temperament, and physicality to ensure none of your parrots is vulnerable or an odd-ball that likes getting into unnecessary tiffs.

Ensure the small parrot (parakeets, cockatiels, conures, Quakers) can hold up to threats from the larger parrots as well.

Another thing you’ll want to ensure is your parrotlets are not clipped.

Since any bird’s reaction to danger is either fight or flight, being able to fly will allow smaller parakeets and cockatoos to get away from a belligerent cockatoo or macaw.

Birds go on an operative basis of flight or fight, and if they see something unpleasant, they will leave. But if your parrotlet is not flighted, it won’t be able to escape as readily, so you will have to be extra careful: Madeline Franco, Birds expert.

Now, individual parrotlets, conures, Sennies, and Quakers do much better in flocks of larger birds than budgies and cockatiels, the reason being, the latter is generally more delicate thus more likely to get injured.

Do Parrots Need Other Birds (Companions)

Parrots do not need companions at home. They do ok on their own, especially if the owner (you) is present and they trust them.

However, this is not to say if you bring a second bird home, the first birdie will become randomly aggressive or timid. He will initially show discontent, but most will come around and warm up to the new member.

You only need to introduce them slowly and make sure each bird has its own cage, food, and enrichments.

A little companionship training also goes a long.

That said, please remember to always consider the size difference of your birdie. You do not want a large bird living with a tiny one for obvious reasons.

Another thing to note is while most parrots species will do fine on their own, some, like Lovebirds, are pretty needy and may crave a companion.

You will also want a companion for your birdie if you leave the house a decent number of times in a day, though other forms of entertainment will suffice.

What you don’t want (not recommended) is a pet bird if you are busy.

A parrot is especially not a pet for a busy owner, and getting a pair is not a solution either.

Are Parrots Aggressive to Other Birds

Bird behavior is unique to individuals, and no one parrot species is said to be belligerent towards other birds. However, parrots are needy and get attached to their owners, and if they get jealous may attack home mates.

Parrots are hookbills and can harm other birds even without intention, so avoid such pairings.

Big parrots living with smaller birds is also a pairing you do not want because they often end with the tiny member hurt or intimidated.

Now, this is not to say there are no odd-ball parrots that will attack anything that moves. Wild forms brought into a home environment, and birds previously mistreated tend to be particularly guarded and aggressive.

As such, if you want to introduce a new member to your avian family, I suggest you first consider the birdie you have and whether he can accommodate other birds.

Thats all for this post, see you on the next one.

Happy bird keeping🦜🐦.