Care Housing

How Much Space Do Parrots, Birds Need in The House

By EDDIE WAITHAKA on Jan 29, 2024 Reviewed by MICK FORD

Want to keep parrots as pets? See how much space they need in your home, and the best place to have them

Want to keep parrots as pets? See how much space they need in your home, and the best place to have them

Keeping birds, more so parrots, is a rewarding hobby. They are intelligent and offer you a lot of love.

However, they come with plenty of needs and requirements, including a generous amount of space.

The space will depend on both the size and shape of your bird, albeit an unusually lively parrot may need more area than the body extent would indicate.

Macaws, African greys, Eclectus, Amazon parrot, and other large species will need cages tall enough to accommodate their long tails and wide enough to spread their wings.

If you’re talking cage space, enough that they can flap and move. The more, the better:Randall Havenman, former Veterinarian.

Now, most companion birds do not and should not spend much time in their cage. They are only for sleeping, eating, and quieting, which means you’ll need sufficient space in your house for your birdie to play.

Preferably, your parrot should have play areas throughout the house.

If you live in an apartment, perhaps don’t get a big bird, anything from a budgie, or to a cockatiel, or maybe a GCC is appropriate.

Some owners also like to keep their parrots cageless, so if it’s something you are considering, note you’ll need a dedicated room for your bird.

Can A Parrot, Bird Cage Be Too Small

Certainly, a cage can be too small for your parrot or any bird species you have as a pet. Most need a cage at least two to three times the width of their wingspan, and bigger is always better.

The rule of thumb is your cage should have enough space for your feathery baby to flap, move, perch, and enjoy his playthings.

Many people and pet stores believe that a small bird needs a small cage, which is not correct. All birds need room to play, exercise, explore, and fly, even the smallest budgie or canary.

The spacing between the bars is also an important consideration because you do not want him to get his head caught between adjacent pieces.

A parrot whose cage is too small could develop behavioral issues, such as screaming, scratching, biting, or plucking.

Now, you’ll note not all parrots are the same size. They range from the tiny budgie or parakeet to large birds like cockatoos, Amazons, and African greys.

As such, the cage you want may vary widely, more so if you plan on keeping more than one species of parrot.

Also, note that when you have more than one birdie, you’ll need to house them in separate cages, even if they are the same species or breed.

Below are the ideal measurements for some of the most common parrots kept in homes as pets. You could also get a more comprehensive list in this post on the Spruce pets.

  • Budgies: 18 by 18 by 24 Inches for a single bird with half inch bar spacing.
  • Cockatiels: 24 by 20 by 24 Inches for a single bird with 0.5 to 0.6 Inch bar spacing.
  • Ringnecks, Parakeets: 24 by 24 by 36 Inches for a single bird with 0.5 to 0.6 Inch bar spacing.
  • Lovebirds, Parrotlets: 24 by 24 by 24 Inches for a single bird with 0.5 Inch bar spacing.
  • Quakers : 24 by 24 by 24 Inches for a single bird with 0.6 to 0.75 Inch bar spacing.
  • Conures, Poicephalus 24 by 24 by 24 Inches for a single bird with 0.6 to 0.7 Inch bar spacing.
  • Caiques, Pionus, Jardines 24 by 24 by 36 Inches for a single bird with 0.6 to 0.7 Inchs bar spacing.
  • Amazons, Mini Macaws, Mid-sized Goffin Cockatoos, African Greys: 36 by 24 by 48 Inches for a single bird with 0.75 to one Inch bar spacing.
  • Cockatoos (Large): 40 by 30 by 48 Inches for a single bird with one to 1.5 Inches bar spacing.
  • Macaws (Large): 48 by 36 by 60 Inches for a single bird with one to 1.5 Inches bar spacing.
  • Diamond Doves: 24 by 24 by 24 Inches for a single bird with 0.5 Inch nar spacing.
  • Ringneck Doves: 24 by 36 by 24 Inches for with half an inch bar spacing.
  • Pigeons: 24 by 36 by 24 Inches with half inch bar spacing.
  • Finches: 18 by 30 by 18 Inches with 0.25 to 0.5 inch bar spacing.
  • Canaries: 18 by 24 by 18 minimum cage size with 0.25 to 0.5 inch bar spacing.

Do Birds, Parrots Need A Lot of Space At Home

By comparison, birds often require a larger space than dogs and cats, which has a lot to do with how they move and operate.

See, birds fly all the time. When excited, frightened, while playing, you know, all the time!

Hence, an area that would ideally be sufficient for a dog or cat (which sleep all the time anyway) can be somewhat restrictive for birds.

Moreover, while it’s possible to let your dog or cat outside for play and exercise, you cannot let a parrot lose in the yard, especially when you do not have an outdoor aviary.

Birds are prey animals as well, so even when you have birds like pigeons that will fly away and come back, you can readily lose them to an opportunistic dog, hawk, and what have you.

The alternative is to spare an entire room in the house for your bird, get a massive cage or allow them to fly around your house, assuming it’s bird-safe.

All that said…

,…you will also note some birdcages take up huge spaces, notably when you have a large feathered pet like a macaw or African grey.

And all that requires, you guessed it, a lot of space.

How Much Space Does Your Bird Need At Home

Now, while a cage will provide a safe refuge in the home environment for your bird, most are too small to allow your bird to fly as much as they would want.

As such, you will want to invest in a flight aviary or indoor in a safe room away from his cage.

A dedicated room for your parrot is a brilliant idea as well, more so when you have more than one bird or outdoor space for an aviary. Of course, this is also the best option for owners living in apartments.

I recommend a room big enough to hold multiple food and water sources and toys for enrichment. Perches are another must-have, plus a sleeping cage for your feathered friend.

Essentially, you should be able to spend time with him in the room training, cuddling, goofing, and without feeling confined.

Keep in mind while parrots might do with being in the room for brief periods, doves and pigeons need daily flight time, meaning a flight cage is a must.

Better still, allow them daily flights outside for exercise in an outdoor aviary.

I bet you can even let them loose. They seem to know their way home, but please take these words with a pinch of salt.

Should Have A Bird Room for Your Parrot (Birds)

RSPCA notes that while a cage can provide a safe refuge for your bird, most are too small to allow it to fly freely and can severely restrict her ability to exercise and express typical behavior.

So, while it’s not a must you have a bird room, I recommend you reserve a section of your house solely for your feathered pets, with all the enrichments they require.

Tiny birds like budgies will be ok with a sizable area dedicated to them in one corner of a room, but with large active birds like cockatoos, an entire room is more appropriate.

I mean, even a cage that is large enough for a cockatoo is pretty enormous, not to mention bulky, for a space in your living room

If you do not have a reserved room for your birds, I suggest you buy an outdoor aviary for your birds to exercise and do other birdly things regularly.

That’s all for this post. See you in the next one.

All the best with your birds🦜🐦.