How to Stop Your Pet Birds (Parrots) from Fighting

By INDIA GIANNIS on Jan 29, 2024 Reviewed by MICK FORD

Learn strategies to stop your pet birds from fighting

Learn strategies to stop your pet birds from fighting

Typical behaviors you will note with parrots are screaming, scratching, and biting, though some have a dispensation to fight and be overly aggressive…

…and although it may not be too much of a concern, it’s not fun either.

A belligerent parrot may make life unbearable for housemates and gradually reduce their productivity and quality of life.

Conviniently, whatever kind of parrot you have, whether it’s a budgie (parakeet), cockatiel, cockatoo, Amazon parrot, African grey, macaw, Sennie, quaker, or conure, they all fight for very similar reasons.

Meaning, being able to quickly isolate the cause is the key to keeping your birdie from killing each other.

Usually, most fights have to do with competition over resources and companions. So the first thing you want to ensure is your birds have enough feeding spaces, toys, perching areas, and so forth.

As well, make sure the space inside your cage is sufficient for the number of birds you have. It’s better to have more than enough space than less.

Please follow through as we dive, navigate, learn, and expound more on how to keep your birds (parrots) from fighting.

Why Your Bird is Attacking Other Birds

As I mentioned before, most birds will fight others while in competition for resources, more so if they are limited amounts and the birdies are housed together in a tiny cage.

Often, in the wild, birds within a flock fight to establish the social hierarchy, the same instinct comes out when multiple birdies are kept in a too-small cage. They fight and bicker over space and resources.Beak Craze.

However, some parrots species are inherently jelly and more prone to fighting out of distrust.

This is especially true for needy parrot types such as conures and lovebirds that require constant stimulation and company from the person there’ve bonded with.

Above fighting for attention, these parrots are also likely to bite, scream, and throw a temper tantrum if they feel ignored or think another bird (or person) is replacing them.

Since most parrots species play on the natural pair bonding, fights might also ensure between suitors when kept together. Usually, males will be in competition for females, though the other way round is equally probable…

…only that mating rivalries are most common among males candidates, while territorial tiffs are frequent among female birdies.

Females birds consider their cage safe heaven both for nesting and raising babies. For this reason, they guard it with a lot of zeal and are not afraid to fight if need be.

The bird with the boyfriend or girlfriend and really likes that mate will drive all the others away. Sometimes it’s too bad you may be forced to separate the parrot pair to keep them from feeling competitive towards others.

Lastly, pet birds kept in a less than adequate size cage are likely to attack each other as well. Your birdies will bite and peck on each other while initially establishing dominance, with the confrontation escalating to a full-on fight if a solution is not found promptly.

Are Your Birds Fighting or Playing

Birds live in a social world where they associate in groups but compete (fight) from everything, including food and mates.

As such, it can be a little tricky to distinguish between a friendly mock fight to a full-on brawl with beaks and claws all out.

So, how do you know things have escalated from playing to something more serious😠🤕?

Well, you first need to decipher your birds’ language, especially if you have types like budgies that are quite active and vocal, and their behavior gravitates somewhat close to aggressive.

Having said that, while birds’ playful behavior is generally more subtle with lesser noises and aggression, fighting involves more noise, biting, chasing, screaming, and squawking, as well as guarding and defending resources and perches.

If your birds are only showing ‘friendly’ behavior, even if subtly aggressive, such as touching beaks, regurgitating, light pecking, bobbing, and singing, they are most likely bonded and are not likely to fight.

Quite often, your birdies will even randomly scream at each other and do things like mock biting (kissing) or knock each other off their swing (perch), but if no one gets hurt, there is no need to be too concerned.

How Do You Get Your Birds to Stop Fighting

The simplest solution to a fighting birdie pair or an odd-ball in your flock is to provide more resources and space in their cage such that everyone has enough at all times.

However, this hack does not always work, especially with needy species and birds that have a dispensation for aggressive behavior due to previous trauma and what have you.

Fortunately, there are a few other tricks that may work for your bird…see below.

Apportion Your Attetion and Time Equally

Some birds, especially parrot types, are really needy and readily get jealous if not given enough attention. If maintained as a pair, a jelly mate might end up fighting the other for your time and love.

That’s why an equal bonding opportunity for all your birdies is crucial.

Giving your birds an equal amount of quality time separately, as well as together, will enhance their bond to you and for them as a pair. The trust they have in your will gradually transfer to your birdies and may learn to coexist within a short time.

Ideally, you want to give them favorite treats while they are together, then bond with each individual while the other is engaged with other endeavors like toys or members of your family.

Encourage coexistence by offering them treats and discourage unruly tendencies with less desirable treats and verbal warnings.

Provide Enough Resources for Both Birds

Regularly, your pet birds will fight when competing for resources, so the first thing you want to do is make sure there are enough essential items for all your birds.

Maybe they are fighting over food, in which case, add enough feeding stations for the number of birds you have.

Sometimes it because one of them has a favorite toy or perch that he’s pretty attached to. As such, anytime the mate gets in the way to the items, a scuffle ensues.

As you would with the feeding stations, add an extra perch (or toys) and accustom the other bird to it.

If they are equally attached to the same item or spot, move the piece and introduce two alternatives at different areas away from the original position.

Separate Your Birds

Sometimes, your birds will keep at it even when they have adequate space and feeding stations in the cage.

This is quite evident when two suitors seek the attention of a mate or when your birds can’t establish a workable pecking order.

As such, although recommended as a last resort, sometimes getting your birds (or a bonded pair) separate cages is your only option.

Having said that, please note that if a cage is too small for two birdies, they will inevitably conflict, so before separating them, make sure the space you have is enough for both birds.

Make sure you have areas where your parrots can go to enjoy their enrichments and not have to compete with their cage mates.

That’s all for this post.

Happy Birding🐦🦜🦉.