Care Health

Is it Cruel to Keep Pet Birds (Parrots) in Cages

By EDDIE WAITHAKA on Apr 26, 2024 Reviewed by AISHA COLE

Examine the ethical aspects of confining parrots in cages and acquire an understanding of responsible pet ownership

Examine the ethical aspects of confining parrots in cages and acquire an understanding of responsible pet ownership

Is it cruel or unethical to keep birds and pets?

Well, it depends on the situation. For hand-raised birds purchased from a reputable and legal pet store (or breeder) by an owner with every intention to raise his (or her) bird ethically, it’s not cruel.

But if a bird is yanked away from its natural habitat, perhaps by smugglers, or dishonest individuals in the exotic pet trade, then buying and keeping such a bird, whether caged or not, is borderline cruel.

Now, I’m sure there are people of the opinion birds belong in the wild and not at home inside the house, much of which is true, but most birds bred or accustomed to a domestic lifestyle will have a challenge in the wild.

They are safer living in your house. In the wild, hand-raised birds will struggle to access food and shelter.

However, not all birds are suited for a home environment and can’t be domesticated. For instance, it’s easier to keep a parrot at home than to keep a sparrow, and the same applies to a peacock compared to a grouse.

If you get a bird that requires more time and attention than you can give and you don’t have the room to allow it a chance to fly and don’t plan to ensure the bird has enrichment, then yes, it would be cruel to keep a pet bird: Goblinish, Reddit.

Is Keeping Birds in Cages Good or Bad

There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep a bird as a pet. It’s not any crueler than owning a dog, cat, fish, or a reptile at home.

However, because some animals have more wild instincts than others, what seems fair for one pet may not always be ideal for another.

For instance, having a bird inside your house may seem pretty cruel, considering birds are free spirits that crave the freedom to fly, and keeping them in a cage is a tad bit more frowned on, than say, leaving your dog or cat in a kennel while you are away at work.

But the way I see it…

A cage for your pet bird is not jail per se, but more a place of refuge where your birdie can retreat when agitated, scared, or sleepy. Think of it as a nest in the wild.

The same way you have a home to go to or bedroom to sleep in, your bird needs its own space as well.

I know some people would argue, why not let the bird outside the cage at all times, considering he (she) is already inside the house.

Well, one thing we can agree on is our humble abodes are not the safest place to keep a bird. They are full of obstacles that may choke, burn, and all-around injure your bird if unsupervised.

So, for their well-being, there is a need to have a spacious cage for them when you are not around to supervise them.

If you get a bird that is appropriate for your home environment as well as your level of time and energy, keeping a pet bird can be done ethically_Goblinish, Reddit_

Birds are also only recommended for owners who can dedicate some time daily to their birds. During this period, they should be around to go outside the cage with minimal flight restrictions.

Once you bond with your bird and give it attention and time to fly in the house, you should not be conflicted. Doing right by your bird will feel right even if other people may not be ok with you having the bird.

Do Birds Get Stressed, Depressed in Cages

A bird is only sad and depressed in a cage if it spends all its time there. The pen should be more a bedroom or a safe place to eat, sleep, and play, not confinement.

Certanaily, birds do get bored and depressed in cages pretty much the same way you would if you were confined in your house all day, and it’s worse when the pen is too small for him.

A caged bird without enough space or stimulation will soon start to show behavioral and psychological issues, including aggression, biting, and feather plucking.

To make sure your bird does not become a victim, ensure you allow him enough time outside the cage every day, more so when you are around, plus offer him plenty of toys, perches, and stimulation.

It also helps to have it at the back of your mind that birds are needy pets that require a lot of time with the owners.

Socialize with and engage in activities like trick training to help him trust you and become comfy and confident around you.

Depression in birds manifests in two ways, that is, physical and mental, both of which you should be able to note and remedy promptly.

The physical is easy to know since it comprises visible cues such as feather plucking. However, the remedies are problematic to come by, especially if you do not remedy the underlying issues.

Stress, restlessness, and off-behaviors like biting are prompted by mental wellness (or lack thereof) in depressed birds and are not too obvious, especially if you do not know your birdie that well.

Now, if you are noticing any of these signs in your bird, I recommend you evaluate his living conditions.

Most birds require a substantially large cage for their body size, about three to four times their wingspan. They should be able to turn, play, hand, stretch, and perch freely while inside the cage.

The other thing is nourishments. Parrots need assorted toys that are appropriate, safe, and engaging. Get colorful pieces for them to shred, some that make sounds, and perch, both wooden and rope.

As well, allow them as much time as possible outside the cage. Let them move around, listen to music, play with your kids, perch on your shoulder, and all around be goofy.

Birdproof your house and remove hazards that may hurt your parrot while in flight to better his experience, plus let him remain flighted.

Lastly, get him a cozy sleeping cage for him to retire to at night, leaving the main pen to be his play and rest area during the day.

In my case, I rarely lock his main cage to allow him entry and exit at will. It keeps him less bored, depressed, or confined.

Is it Bad to Have Birds in Your House

Having a bird in your house is not bad as long as the intention is to take care of it as a pet. Even so, please note that not all birds species are ideal pets, only parrots, pigeons, doves, canaries, finches, and a few more.

If the bird in question is a migratory or native type that flew into your house from outside, that you cannot keep. These birds belong in the wild, and the best you can do is safely help them get back out.

You especially do not want him hanging around your home too long if it’s not bird proofed because it’s only a matter of time before he gets hurt.

You also don’t want to confine a wild bird in your home, even if it is one of the species that make ideal house pets, such as parrots.

A bird born and raised in the wild will never fit in a house setting. Only hand-raised birdies bought from a pet store (or a breeder) make ideal indoor pets.

Thats all for this post, see you in the next one.

Have fun with you birdies🦜🦜🦜.