Care Housing

What Birds Can Live Together in An Aviary

By MARTHA LANDRY on Apr 27, 2024 Reviewed by LUCILLE MACADAM

Get expert insights on bird that can live together in an aviary

Get expert insights on bird that can live together in an aviary

Keeping birds is like eating candy. You first want one, then another, and before you know it, you want an aviary or even a house full of little feathered kids flying and pooping all over…

,…trust me, they do that a lot.

But the worry you will mostly have every time you go to the pet store for your next bird is not poop, but can they live together?

More so in an aviary, because obviously, they can’t share a cage.

Well, can different birds (parrots)🐦🦜 live together in an aviary?

Yes and no. Mhhh🤔💭, mostly No😔, or is it yes?.

Mixing different birds in an aviary can be daunting unless you have a large aviary and extensive knowledge of the birds you want to pair. You also need to make sure they won’t irritate each other, and there is limited size and aboriginal differences.

These, plus differences in body language, living conditions, diet, and environmental precedences, allow only the same species pairing in most aviaries.

And please remember, whatever the type of birds you attempt to combine, do so gradually, allowing them to become familiar with each other in a common area first if possible; Renee Sheehan, Birds and cats owner, and Quora contributor.

That said, there are select birds that can live together in an aviary with a couple of hacks, tricks, and a truckload of good fortune.

Please read on.

Birds You Can Put Together in An Aviary

Now, assuming you have a large aviary enough to house more than a couple of birds, the best pairing is birds of the same species, such as budgies, Bourke, and grass parakeets, and a similar size sometimes even when they are not of the same kind, such as budgies and cockatiels.

What you do not want is two birds that vastly vary in size, say, cockatiels and Eclectus…

,… or two species that do not share a common heritage, such as a native wild or the species.

Perhaps the only other consideration is the beak configuration of the birds you have. Hookbills are a hazard when housed with flat bills or what have you, with the potential to cause harm to housemates.

Notably, birds (including parrots) can be transmitters of asymptomatic diseases, so you’ll need to be sure of your pairing and the history (and source) of your birds.

It also helps to quarantine any new birds for as long as necessary before introducing them to a community aviary.

What Birds Can Live with Budgies (Parakeets)

There is no doubt budgies are the most kept pet birds around the wild for their small size and little care needs, but what they lack in size, they compensate in feistiness and a fair share of nuisance, hence tricky to pair.

Budgies are like that pesky little brother who just doesn’t know when to quit, and this can get them into trouble, especially with larger birds, LaManuka, bird lover, Queensland Australia.

Perchance other parakeets, such as grass, Bourke’s, or other budgies, would be best, but they also pair well with cockatiels.

Keeping your budgie with any other parrot would need a bird with the patience of all the saints to prevent injury to the tiny but very spunky budgie.

Long story short, If I were to keep my budgies with others in an aviary, I would perhaps start with either one of these birds.

  • Other Budgies
  • Bourke’s Parakeets
  • Cockatiels
  • Lorikeets
  • Zebra, Strited, Spice, and Double Barred finches

You could also try dove and pigeons with budgies, though they have different care, dietary requirements, and living preferences.

Please note all budgies are parakeets (the words are applied interchangeably), but not all parakeets are budgies.

What Birds Can Live with Cockatiels

Cockatiels are almost as small and vast as budgies in the bobby but less spunky, so adding them to an aviary with budgies and a few other tiny parrots is acceptable.

Their mellow, docile, and amiable nature, combined with their endless social and passive activities, helps cockatiels fit in an aviary that your average tiny birds, like a budgie or lovebird, would not.

Cockatiels have been paired with many birds from red-crowned parakeets, turquoise parrots, and Bourke’s to finches, canaries, and even quail with minimal strain.

If you ask me, they are the most pairable pet bird in the hobby.

Perhaps the only thing you need to note is cockatiels be bullied by any bird larger than them, given their laid-back demeanor.

So, avoid keeping your cockatiel with large parrots or odd-balls like lovebirds. Your bird will not be able to defend itself from these more aggressive birds.

A list of birds I would consider keeping with cockatiels:

  • Bourke’s parakeet
  • Red Crowned parakeet
  • Budgies
  • Turqouise Parrot
  • Grass parakeet
  • Lioenolated parrot
  • Scarlet chested parrot
  • Finches
  • Canaries
  • Doves

I would avoid pairing my cockatiels with large parrots, including anything from conure, rosella, ringnecks, cockatoos to macaw, and small, aggressive birds, like lovebirds and parrotlets.

What Birds Can Live with Indian Ringnecks

I think Indian ringnecks are a paradox.

How well they live with other pets (in an aviary or home) entirely depends on the bird you have.

One IRN may be an absolute odd-ball that bullies anyone and everything, while another may be totally docile and accommodate a wide range of companions.

As such, adding an Indian ringneck to a community aviary should be done carefully and as the endpoint, not a starting point.

At the beginning, your IRN should have his own cage adjacent to the other birds to see his reaction and how much he likes the company.

Still, you do not want an Indian ringneck with birds that will vex him, such as budgies and lovebirds, because your Indian ringneck may not start a confrontation but will most certainly end it.

If you must, keep your ringnecks with equally large parrots with a subtle demeanor.

What Birds Can Live with Sun Conures

Sun conures are adorable, social birdies that don’t only do well with other conures but many, mostly equally sized birds. They will live with anything from a budgie, cockatiel to finches, and canaries.

Most large birds can also tolerate a sun conure, though as with any pairing, it depends upon each individual in the flock.

Plus, it’s still helpful to keep in mind some parrots may be wildly intolerant to non-specific members (not of their own species), and caution is advised while keeping a sun conure with other birds.

Sun conures can hybridize with a host of other conures and even other parrots, such as mini macaws and Amazons, so be careful with your pairing.

Here are a few birds you could try with your sun conure in an aviary.

  • Green cheek conures
  • Cockatiels
  • Budgies
  • Jenday conures
  • Amazons
  • Finches

Well, that all for this post.

See you in the next one.

Happy birding🦜🐦.