Supplies Toys

What Toys are Good for Budgies to Destroy

By INDIA GIANNIS on Jan 04, 2024 Reviewed by AISHA COLE

Toys for Budgies: Find engaging options for your feathered friend

Toys for Budgies: Find engaging options for your feathered friend

As a budgie or parrot owner, you must engage your birds’ instincts with the toys that offer entertainment and mental stimulation.

The destructible toys should be capable of encouraging active beak and claw interaction and provide hours of engaging playtime.

Opt for shreddable havens, feathered fury playthings, and crunchy toys that cater to your budgies’ needs to explore, shred, and munch.

For clarity,

toys for your budgies to destroy come in two forms, shreddable and chewable. Natural, untreated wood, mineral blocks, veggie-tanned leather, and woven grass toys are best for chewing.

Budgie bagels, bird kabobs, cardboard rolls, and palm leaf toys are ideal for shredding.

Some, like vine balls and wicker toys, are perfect for chewing and shredding.

Now.., if you are new to budgies or seeking insight on destructible toys for your bird(s), in this post, discover the perfect blend of enrichments, and explore our recommended collection of safe and non-toxic options.

What Can I Give My Budgie to Shred

Untreated paper, cardboard, or palm leaves cut into strips or hung as small bundles make perfect shred toys for budgies. These materials mimic the budgie’s natural environment and promote mental stimulation and beak exercise.

Regularly rotate the shreddable items to keep the excitement fresh and ensure a safe and enjoyable shredding experience for your feathered friend.

Shredding Toys for Budgies

Shredding toys engage your budgies’ natural shredding and foraging behaviors, providing them with mental stimulation and entertainment.

When looking for shredding toys, prioritize safety and choose toys made from bird-safe materials. Here’s a list of shredding toy types that are often popular among budgie owners:

1. Woven Palm Leaf Shredding Toys

Woven palm leaf toys for budgies are made from natural palm leaves, woven together to create various shapes and structures.

The toys will provide your budgies with enrichment, mental stimulation, and a means to engage in their natural behaviors, such as shredding, pecking, and exploring.

Woven palm leaf toys are also safe, bird-friendly, and environmentally friendly options for your budgies’ cage or play area.

Use and Benefits:

  • Enrichment: Woven palm leaf toys offer budgies a way to stay mentally and physically active, reducing boredom and encouraging natural behaviors.
  • Shredding: Budgies love to shred and tear materials, and woven palm leaf toys provide a safe outlet for this behavior.
  • Foraging: Some woven palm leaf toys can be filled with treats, seeds, or pieces of vegetables, turning them into foraging puzzles that challenge your budgies’ problem-solving skills.
  • Climbing and Perching: Different shapes and structures of the toys can offer budgies opportunities for climbing, perching, and exploring.
  • Beak Conditioning: Chewing on and manipulating the palm leaves can help keep your budgies’ beaks healthy and in good condition.

Material and Make:

Woven palm leaf toys are made from dried and woven leaves of palm trees. The leaves are processed to create different forms, such as balls, rings, swings, and other intricate designs.

When selecting woven palm leaf toys, ensure they are free from sharp or dangerous components and the toys are appropriatly sized for your budgies to manipulate and play with safely.


Woven palm leaf ball on Amazon

Woven palm leaf rings on Feathered Addiction

Woven palm leaf cubes on Etsy

Woven palm leaf swings on E-Bay, AU

2. Paper and Cardboard Shredding Toys

Cut paper strips make fantastic shredding toys for budgies. You can use plain, untreated paper strips, such as newspaper or uncolored paper.

Hang the strips in your budgie’s cage or attach them to a toy. The cuttings mimic the type of materials a bird might encounter in the wild and encourage active play, mental stimulation, and beak exercise.

You can also offer your bird small cardboard boxes, toilet paper rolls, or even create simple cardboard puzzles or hanging toys. Just ensure the cardboard is untreated and free from any adhesives or inks harmful to budgies.

Use and Benefits:

  • Mental Stimulation: Shredding and cutting provide mental challenges that prevent boredom and encourage cognitive development.

  • Physical Exercise: Budgies use their beaks and claws to interact with these toys, promoting healthy beak maintenance and claw strength.

  • Enrichment: These toys mimic activities that budgies would perform in the wild, enhancing their overall well-being and happiness.

  • Entertainment: Budgies enjoy the tactile sensation of shredding and cutting, keeping them occupied and preventing negative behaviors.

Material and Make:

Paper and cardboard budgie toys are typically made from natural, untreated materials to ensure the safety and well-being of your feathered friend. Here’s what they’re commonly made of:

Paper Shredding Toys:

  • Plain Paper: Toys can be crafted from plain, uncolored, and untreated paper. This can include newspaper, brown paper, or other similar materials.
  • Crinkle Paper: Some toys incorporate crinkle-cut paper strips that create enticing textures and sounds, appealing to budgies’ curiosity.
  • Paper Straws: Thin, untreated paper straws can be used to create hanging toys that budgies can shred and manipulate.

Cardboard Shredding Toys:

  • Cardboard Boxes: Small, untreated cardboard boxes can be used as hideaways or exploration spots, encouraging budgies to investigate and shred.
  • Cardboard Rolls: Empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls are safe options for budgies to shred and play with.
  • Cardboard Puzzles: Toys made from cardboard that can be manipulated or taken apart, providing mental challenges and entertainment.

When offering paper and cardboard toys to budgies, it’s crucial to ensure safety.

  • Untreated Materials: Use plain, untreated paper and cardboard to prevent exposure to harmful chemicals.

  • Non-Toxic Inks: When using printed cardboard, ensure the inks are non-toxic and safe for birds.

  • Size and Shape: Cut materials into appropriate sizes to prevent any risk of entanglement or choking hazards.

  • Supervision: Monitor playtime and regularly inspect toys for signs of wear, replacing them when damaged.


Crinkle paper shredding toy on Amazon

Cardboard shredding toy on Amazon

Cardboard shredding toy on Etsy

3. Natural Wood Shredding Toys

Natural wood shredding toys are another excellent choices for birds, including budgies. They encourage your feathered friend to engage in natural chewing, shredding, and exploration activities, while and cater to their instinctive behaviors providing both mental and physical enrichment.

Here are the details, uses, materials, and recommendations for natural wood shredding toys

Use and benefits:

  • Mental Stimulation: Shredding toys challenge birds’ cognitive abilities and keep them mentally engaged.

  • Beak and Claw Exercise: Chewing and shredding promote healthy beak maintenance and claw strength.

  • Enrichment: These toys mimic behaviors birds would engage in naturally in the wild, promoting overall well-being.

  • Preventing Boredom: Shredding toys provide a positive outlet for birds’ destructive tendencies, preventing negative behaviors.

Materials and Make:

Natural wood shredding toys are often made from bird-safe woods like untreated java, ash, or balsa.

These woods are soft enough for birds to chew without risking harm to their beaks.

The toys may come in various shapes, such as blocks, twigs, or branches, and can be intertwined with other bird-safe materials like sisal or cotton ropes.

When offering natural wood shredding toys, ensure the materials are free from toxins, chemicals, and any harmful additives.

Common bird-safe wood for perches and toys:

  • Balsa
  • Poplar
  • Ash
  • Elm
  • Maple
  • Birch
  • Dragonwood
  • Manzanita
  • Java
  • Ribbonwood
  • Bamboo


Natural wood kabob

Wesco Pet Original Bird Kabob Shreddable Bird Toy

4. Vine and Wicker Balls

Vine and wicker toys are fantastic when you need to provide shredding and enrichment opportunities for budgies. The toys are often made from natural materials like woven vines or wicker, which offer a satisfying texture that appeals to budgies’ instincts to chew, shred, and explore.

Use and Benefits:

  • Shredding Instinct: Budgies have a natural instinct to shred and chew, which helps keep their beaks healthy and provides mental stimulation. Vine and wicker toys cater to this instinct, giving them a safe and enjoyable outlet for their shredding behaviors.

  • Textural Variety: The texture of vine and wicker materials is different from other toys, providing sensory variety and keeping budgies interested in their environment.

  • Foraging Experience: You can enhance these toys by adding small treats, pieces of paper, or other safe items for budgies to discover and forage, mimicking natural behaviors.

  • Interactive Play: Hanging vine and wicker toys create an interactive play space. Budgies can perch on, swing from, and interact with these toys, making them a versatile addition to their cage.

Material and Make:

Vine materials are often sourced from plants like palm leaves or similar flexible vines. Wicker refers to weaving or braiding thin, flexible materials, often plant-based, to create a structure.

Wicker can be made from materials like rattan, willow, or other similar plants.

These natural materials are woven together to create various toy designs that are both sturdy and enjoyable for birds. They come in different thicknesses and textures, providing options for different types of toys.

Vine and wicker materials are used to create a wide range of toy designs for budgies, including, balls, swings, and platforms.

When using vine and wicker materials for bird toys, ensure they are clean, untreated, and free from any chemicals. Avoid using materials with sharp ends or pieces that could be a hazard to your budgie.

5. Mineral Block Chew Toys

Mineral block chew toys are excellent additions to your budgies’ cage, offering both entertainment and essential nutrients. These toys are specifically designed to encourage natural beak and mental stimulation while providing important minerals.

Use and Benefit:

Dual Purpose: Mineral block chew toys serve a dual purpose by promoting healthy beak maintenance and supplying essential minerals like calcium, which is crucial for bone health and eggshell formation.

  • Dual Purpose: Mineral block chew toys serve a dual purpose by promoting healthy beak maintenance and supplying essential minerals like calcium, which is crucial for bone health and eggshell formation.

  • Beak Exercise: Budgies love to chew and peck at objects, which helps them keep their beaks in good condition and prevents overgrowth.

  • Calcium Source: Mineral blocks often contain calcium, aiding in the prevention of calcium deficiency-related issues like soft eggs and weak bones.

Material and Make:

Mineral block toys are typically made from a combination of natural minerals and binding agents. These toys are designed to provide essential nutrients, particularly calcium, to birds while also offering them an engaging and interactive play experience.