Care Food

Optimize your bird feeder's location with expert advice on h

By INDIA GIANNIS on May 15, 2024 Reviewed by FINNLEY RAMIREZ

Toys for Budgies: Find engaging options for your feathered friend

Toys for Budgies: Find engaging options for your feathered friend

Backyard bird feeding is a brilliant way to engage with wildlife in the comfort of your home, more so if you live in a place where animals don’t venture out of the woods often.

Besides, experts believe backyard bird feeding will improve their population, and since birds eat more than just seeds, suet, and nectar, it’ll also help reduce insects, worms, snails, and spiders populations around your home.

Bird feeders are best placed or hung in an area where your visiting birds feel safe from predators but still visible enough for the birdies to easily see it.

Locate your bird feeder at least 10 feet from the nearest shrub, tree, or other tall structure and a height of at least 5 to 6 feet of the ground where squirrels, rats, and cats can’t reach it.

Hanging your bird feeder in a shaded area is also preferable, though it’s not always possible.

See more insight below.

How High Should Your Place Your Bird Feeder (Height)

The height of your bird feeder will have a lot of impact on your bird watching experience and also make sure the birds remain safe from predators.

Even so, please note that different bird species prefer feeders to hang at varying heights.

For safety purposes and the best experience, most of your units should at least 5 to 6 feet above the ground, unless you live in a region with plenty of ground feeding birds like towhees.

If you have more than one bird feeder, I also recommend putting them at varying heights to attract a wider variety of birds to your backyard and ensure a dominant set of birds does not monopolize the feeder.

Finches and cardinals prefer feeding on the shrub, so set a few of your feeders waist high or at eye level if they are part of your local species. Plus a couple more units a little higher for tree feeders like woodpeckers, titmice, and chickadees.

Lastly, ensure your feeders are some distance from thick bushes, shrubs, or trees that may conceal predators like cats, raccoons, dogs, and foxes.

Should Your Bird Feeder Be in The Sun or Shade

Hanging your bird feeder in the shade is certainly preferable for birds’ well being, but most species also love a little sun for a clear view while feeding and to readily spot approaching predators.

As such, I recommend hanging your units in an area that gets partial shade most of the day.

Having a little sun exposure also helps you get a better view of the birds. Moreover, feather-colors and fine-body-marks are well exposed for clear identification and photography.

Having said that, more shade might be better during the summer months, especially if you live in a region with the blistering sun like South USA.

The more shade results in less glare and better views.

What Direction Should Your Bird Feeder Face

Since birds like to feed in the sunlight and out of the worst wind, a sheltered southeastern orientation is considered best for hanging a bird feeder.

Notwithstanding, remember to replicate your birds’ natural feeding preference.

For instance, blue tits, finches, and sparrows like hanging feeders that move in the breeze, so place your target unit in the direction with some wind exposure.

On the other hand, woodpeckers like suet feeders in trees near the trunk or thicker branches, with little sun and wind exposure. For this reason, place your target feeders in a shaded direction void of wind.

How Far Should Your Bird Feeder Be From Your House

There is no harm (at least not much) in placing a bird feeder near your house, considering they can even be hanged by the window or roof overhangs.

But to keep unwanted animals attracted by bird feeders away from your house, ensure a buffer zone of anywhere from 30 feet, though 50 to 60 feet between the house and the unit is considered best.

This way, small animals like rats, squirrels, and raccoons and even larger ones like coyotes and bears can’t easily access your home.

To keep unwanted animals away from your house, enforce a bird feeder safety zone of 50 to 60 Feet between the house and the feeding station.

That said, you need to make sure that the distance at which you place your bird feeder is both safe and clearly visible.

The birds should be able to see predators approaching from a safe distance and also be able to take off and land on the feeder without flying into window seals, roof overhangs, and other obstacles.

How Far Should Bird Feeders Be From Each Other

Different types of birds are comfortable feeding at varying heights, even though the ideal minimum elevation for any unit is 5 feet.

You should also stagger the distance between your feeding stations (both vertically and horizontally) to attract a large variety of birds.

A distance of 10 feet between your bird feeding stations should be adequate, although 15 to 20 feet would be more ideal since the birds will have a safety buffer should predators show up unnoticed.

Moreover, be careful not to place your feeder too close to cover because this creates a blind spot, more so in a backyard with multiple bird feeders.

How to Hang A Bird Feeder Outside Your Window

Hanging a bird feeder on a window is one of the best places, especially if you do not have a large backyard with trees and shrubs.

Interestingly, it’s also not complicated like it sounds. With plenty of overhangs, window seals, and even light brackets and suction cups, this trick should be everything and easy.

In older houses with eaves that stick out from the house, it also pretty easy to screw a hook into them and then hang the tube-shaped decorative bird feeder.

The feeders will be well sheltered from the rain and help keep the seeds dry.

Now, if your is not an ancient house, meaning you don’t have eaves, you can use clever clear, light plastic with suction cups to affix your feeders.

Most of them come in hook shapes with curved ends that allow you to hang your feeders.

However, window mount bird feeders stuck with suction cups are not the sturdiest items I’ve seen. You may be picking seeds from the ground quite often if you don’t get a quality product.

That’s all for this post.

Happy Birding🦜🐦🦉.