Why Do Parrots Kiss Each Other—What Does it Mean

By EDDIE WAITHAKA on May 10, 2024 Reviewed by AISHA COLE

Gain insight into the hidden meaning behind parrot kisses

Gain insight into the hidden meaning behind parrot kisses

Even if you are not a bird keeper or watcher, you’ve probably seen birds kissing at least once or twice. And while it’s common for all birds, it’s more noticeable in parrots, perhaps because they are more typical in homes.

Parrots and other birds kiss as a show of endearment, affection, safety, and respect, although if the beak touching is somewhat aggressive, it’s more possibly a fight.

Birds kissing in the springtime accompanied by soft cooing and trilling noises indicate courtship or attachment in bonded mates. They touch beaks and exchange food before breeding season.

For more insight into this topic, please read through the post to the end.

What Does It Mean When Birds Kiss Each Other

As we’ve seen above, birds, including parrots, kiss for a couple of reasons though most times it’s to show affection.

This may be between two parrots that have bonded and quite possibly mates or a chick to a mum or dad and vice-versa.

In the wild, birdies will also kiss flock mates even if they are not mating partners, which happens more often in spring when most birds breed.

But please note, kissing birdies as a show of endearment is nothing close to aggressive. If your parrots are a little too overzealous with the beak touching, it may be a fight. One that you need to break up.

Another thing to note is that while the kissing may closely resemble human rocking lips, birds don’t actually kiss, unless when considering a house parrot that’s been trained to.

What happens is one bird (mostly the male) feeding the other bird (female) (in the case of bonded mates) as a show of affection and to improve the lady-bird’s nutritional intake before breeding.

Think of the male feeding the female he wants to breed with as conditioning prior to mating, the same way you would prepare layer chicken as they mature and get ready to lay eggs.

The courtship feeding is similar to birds feeding their young while still young and unable to do so themselves.

What Does It Mean When Parrots Kiss

Now, parrots are members of the avian family and will kiss for the same reasons other birdies do.

But they are also intelligent than other bird types and can learn to vocalize human speech.

The vocabulary often includes making the smooch sound, which parrots will make, to show affection to their human owners and family.

Despite not having lips to pucker, parrots absolutely love to dole out kisses to their favorite person.

Birds can also kiss other birds, but this is not as common as with humans, plus most times, parrots will only kiss other birds if they understand the vocabulary.

How Do Parrots (Birds) Show Affection to Human

Parrots 🦜 are intelligent, cuddly birds that show affection in more ways than one. Sometimes these signs come in the form of cuddles and kisses, but jealousy tantrums are also up for offering.

Weidly, some will even try to regurgitate food for you as they do with other birds and young ones.

So, don’t be shocked😲🤯!

All this is in a parrot’s show of affection rule book🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️.

However, a bird feeding you regurgitated food is not the most prominent show of love and endearment. Instead, most parrots prefer cuddles and other close contacts, including perching on your shoulder, sleeping on your lap, and kissing.

Some birdies also use contact calls to seek the attention of their owners or favorite person, plus other sounds that seek attention as well, including singing, cooing, and purring.

But please note these sounds may also mean different things, so you need to understand your bird a lot to figure out what these sounds mean.

I mentioned above that jealousy tantrums and nippings are also part of other rather unconventional ways parrots show affection to their owners, and they are pretty typical, especially with birdies that crave companionship, such as lovebirds.

Usually, parrots bite as a gesture for attention, particularly if they think you are giving too much love to another person or bird but not too keen towards them.

How Do Parrots (Birds) Show Affection to Other Birds

Parrots, and almost all birds, show affection to other birds in very similar ways, considering they all have comparable features. The endearment is especially apparent in paired mates during or close to breeding season.

According to the spruce, general courtship behavior, including mutual preening or sharing, evident even in parrots, whether kept at home or in the wild.

Even so, while some behaviors are more forward and easy to read, others are somewhat ambiguous, and only experienced keepers can precisely read their birdie’s cues.

How Do You Know Your Parrots Like Each Other

Perhaps the most forward ways parrots show you they like each other is preening on each other, snuggling together, and regurgitation. Even so, some birds show affection or accommodate each other in an unorthodox manner, such as engaging in somewhat aggressive games.

This is especially common in birds kept in large groups.

They’ll scream at each other and do something that looks like fight kissing. The birds will look like they’re trying to bite each other mouths and may even knock each other off the swings.

However, you need to be careful not to assume your birdies are playing yet they are fighting. If the action seems a little too aggressive to you and you can sight blood, you may want to separate them.

Long story short, birds that like each other will remain fairly subtle around each other, preening and what have you, while those that can’t stand each other will mostly be aggressive, make a lot of noise, and bite you or each other out of jealousy and wroth.

Are Your Birds Kissing or Fighting

Now, while your parrots will rock beaks when happy and eager to show each other affection, a brawl among birds also involves a lot of beak, together with claw action…

,…but for a fighting pair, the locking of beaks won’t be as subtle.

There will be a lot of fits going around, together with aggressive flappings, tail wagging, quick and brief jumps, and a decent level of screaming, screeching, hissing, and purring.

If you have one of those parrot species that have a crest, the positioning will be that of an angry or agitated bird. For instance, the crown of an angry cockatiel will go flat against the head, including the curly point at the end.

Another tell-tale sign you parrots are in a fight are ready to give it another go is a lunging or open beak. They will do this with their fixed on the other bird with the feathers most likely disheveled.

Thats all for this post. See you in the next one.

Happy birding🦜🦜🐦.