Why Your Pet Bird is Angry—How Can You Tell

By INDIA GIANNIS on May 16, 2024 Reviewed by FINNLEY RAMIREZ

How to know your bird is angry (+remedies)

How to know your bird is angry (+remedies)

Pet birds are adorable until there are not.

When angry, they will attack and bite anything they put their beaks to, even the owner.

Therefore, it’s desirable to learn and understand your bird’s emotional dispensation to improve your interactions with it and know what buttons not to push.

If you own a parrot, chances you are going to get bitten at least once. But learning your bird’s body language and what provokes him or her should minimize the risk.

The most common causes of anger in pet birds are distress, distrust, and dislike, but also note not all birds are the same.

What pisses off one bird might be exciting for another.

That said, almost all birds will react aggressively to perceived threats inside their space, including predators.

Moreover, since most parrots need company and bond with particular individuals, they will be distant and bite companions or owners if they feel ignored or abandoned.

Your birdies will also get angry and bite anyone they don’t have a bond with, including harsh family members and strangers.

Please Keep reading for more insight, including “How to tell when your bird is angry, and how to react”.

How Does A Pet Bird Show It’s Angry (How Can You Tell)

It’s pretty easy to tell if your bird is angry when you know how to read its body language.

Mostly, they will bite if they can 🤐!

But assuming yours is not a biter, he will try to appear larger and meaner by holding his wings away from the body. Most parrots also fan their tail and raise the feathers on their back, nape, crown, and rump.

In terms of position, your bird will most likely be squatting or leaning back slightly, with the beak agape and pupils pinning quickly between dilated and constricted; Rick Klugman.

An angry bird may also be unresponsive and not want to do what you ask them. They will instead get away from you and bite if you push them too far.

Sweater birdies that don’t fancy biting will throw a temper tantrum that includes throwing things around and attacking random things.

Your little shredding bird will also pull apart any pieces of paper or any toys lying around.

Noisier candidates will screech and scream, plus stomp their feet and flap their wings angrily.

An angry bird won’t be pretty. They will hold their head down, with the neck feathers ruffled, tail spread, and wings held slightly away from the body.

How To Stop Angry, Aggressive Behavior Birds (Parrot)

There’s no such thing as a mean bird. However, some are fearful, while others have emotional problems that cause them to avoid human interaction and react angrily if handled:The Spruce Pets.

While some pet birds are only occasionally angry, some are more temperamental and aggressive. They’ll react to the slightest tease, threat, attack, and desertion with the same intensity.

These birdies are ever ready and likely to attack or confront a perceived aggressor.

For that reason, you’ll need to learn how to handle and tame feistier candidates.

A good place to start is to create a strong bond with your pet, more when you have clingy species such as lovebirds and quaker parrots.

Since birds are most time aggressive because they are anxious, fearful, or stressed, bonding with them and understanding their language will help you quickly identify the cause of anger and remove it.

If it is attention your birdies seek, take a while to play with it.

You will also find some that get aggressive due to a lack of proper socialization, which may make your bird fear humans, other birds, or new experiences.

If you notice this, train it to believe people are fun. Offer your birdie goodies to entice it and playfully engage him if he obliges, but don’t🙅‍♂️ push it.

Note that it may also get jealous and angry when you pay more attention to other birds, pets, humans, or engagements, so offer him enough time to interact with you to lessen aggression.

Alternatively, get your feathered pet a companion to bond with, which can either be a bird or a free and available member of your family.

Another common occurrence, especially with birds adopted or purchased while mature, is trauma occasioned by bad experiences from their former home.

Mistreatment by previous owners can make a bird not trust you.

Fortunately, an ideal environment and spending quality time will reverse the trauma and even make your bird more amiable.

However, please note that the reverse process may take a while to resolve depending on your bird’s species, plus the shock your bird was exposed to.

Set a time each day to work on handling your avian friend, plus try to combine different tricks into the usual play schedule to readily reduce the excess aggression.

Lastly, reward good behavior with tasty treats and ignore bad habits, such as angry rants, to discourage your bird from indulging.

Over and above, remember to only make sure you augment these hacks by treating any underlying causes for better efficacy.

Why Your Bird is Angry and Suddenly Hates You

While it’s rare for a bird to suddenly hate someone they previously liked, they can temporarily resent you when angry.

Most will also hate and act hostile towards people they distrust and strangers even when the owner is around.

If you think your bird suddenly hates you, first consider any changes you’ve made that might confuse or displease your pet.

Feisty individuals may suddenly hate you for very trivial changes like letting your hair down, what you are wearing, or even doing something that freaks them out.

If your attitude towards your feathered pet change or you seem a little distant, the bird may suddenly hate you as well. The bird will avoid you and throw a tantrum while hissing, biting, or yelling.

It will avoid touching and cuddling with you, plus refuse anything you offer it, including toys and tasty treats.

Stress, anxiety, ailment, and hormonal changes may also cause your birds to be cranky, act distant and avoid any contact.

Investigate to ensure everything is well with your bird as soon as you notice any odd behavior, and try creating a better bond with your bird as well.

For instance, try reading or watching TV next to your bird’s cage while calmly talking to it. Birdies also love silly, so you can even sing or dance for it, anything that will lighten his abrupt foul mood.

Happy birding🦜🦉🦢.